Arslan, G., Bulus, M., Albertova, S. M., & Coskun, M. (2023). Resilient mindset and psychological distress among college students: a latent profile analysis approach to understanding the complete mental health. Current Psychology.
Bulus, M., & Polat, C. (2023). pwrss R paketi ile istatistiksel güç analizi [Statistical power analysis with pwrss R package]. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi.
Sanli, M.E., Dinc, M, Oner, U., Bulus, M., Cicek, I., & Dogan, I. (2023). The role of spirituality in psychological resilience and anxiety among hemodialysis patients in Turkey. Journal of Religion and Health.
Doyumğaç, İ., Gürbüz, R., & Buluş, M. (2023). Interplay between Language and Mathematics Comprehension/Learning: A Direction Dependence Analysis. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 11(3), 271-285.
Bulus, M. (2022). A practical guide to designing cost-efficient randomized experiments in education research: From pilot studies to interventions at scale. Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 51(1), 129-147.
Bulus, M., & Dong, N. (2022). Consequences of ignoring a level of nesting on design and analysis of blocked three-level regression discontinuity designs: Power and Type I error rates. Adiyaman University Journal of Educational Sciences, 12(1), 42-55.
Dong, N., Curenton, S. M., Bulus, M., & Ibekwe-Okafor, N. (2022). Investigating the Differential Effects of Early Child Care and Education in Reducing Gender and Racial Academic Achievement Gaps From Kindergarten to 8th Grade. Journal of Education.
Ozcan, B., & Bulus, M. (2022). Protective factors associated with academic resilience of adolescents in individualist and collectivist cultures: Evidence from PISA 2018 large scale assessment. Advance online publication.
Koyuncu, I., Bulus, M., & Firat, T. (2022). The moderator role of gender and socioeconomic status in the relationship between metacognitive skills and reading scores. Journal of Participatory Education Research, 9(3), 82-97.
Bulus, M., & Bonifay, W. (2022). irtDemo R Package: Pedagogical Interactive Web Applications for Estimation, Scoring, and Multi Dimensionality in Item Response Theory. Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty, 6(1), 92-108.
Bulus, M. (2021). Minimum detectable effect size computations for cluster-level regression discontinuity: Specifications beyond the linear functional form. Journal of Research on Education Effectiveness. Advance online publication.
Dong, N., Spybrook, J., Kelcey, B., & Bulus, M. (2021). Power analyses for moderator effects with (non)random slopes in cluster randomized trials. Methodology, 17(2), 92-110.
Bulus, M. (2021). Sample size determination and optimal design of randomized/non-equivalent pretest-posttest control-group designs. Adiyaman Univesity Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(1), 48-69.
Bulus, M., & Koyuncu, I. (2021). Statistical power and precision of experimental studies originated in the republic of turkey from 2010 to 2020: Current practices and some recommendations. Journal of Participatory Education Research, 8(4), 24-43.
Bulus, M., & Dong, N. (2021). Bound constrained optimization of sample sizes subject to monetary restrictions in planning multilevel randomized trials and regression discontinuity studies. The Journal of Experimental Education, 89(2):379-401.
Arslan, G., Yıldırım, M., Tanhan, A., Bulus, M., & Allen, K. (2021). Coronavirus stress, optimism-pessimism, psychological inflexibility, and psychological health: Psychometric properties of the coronavirus stress measure. Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 19, 2423-2439.
Otanga, H., Tanhan, A., Musılı, P.M., Arslan, G, & Bulus, M. (2021). Exploring college students’ biopsychosocial spiritual wellbeing and problems during COVID-19 through a contextual and comprehensive framework. Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 20, 619-638.
Cicek, I., Tanriverdi, S., Sanli, M. E., & Bulus, M. (2021). Parental attitudes and socio-demographic factors as predictors of smartphone addiction in university students. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 8(2), 158-169.
Cicek, I., Tanhan, A., & Bulus, M. (2021). Psychological inflexibility predicts depression and anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic. i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology, 15(1), 11-24.
Bulus, M., & Sahin, S. G. (2019). Estimation and standardization of variance parameters for planning cluster-randomized trials: A short guide for researchers. Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 10(2):178.
Polat, C., & Bulus, M., (2023). Parametrik Olmayan Istatistiksel Yontemler [Non-parametric Statistical Methods]. In Ses, S. , & Yildirim, I. (Eds). Ileri Istatistiksel Yontemler [Advanced Statistical Methods]. Nobel. Completed.
Bulus, M., & Guler, G. (2023). Istatistiksel Guc Analizi [Statistical Power Analysis]. In Ses, S. , & Yildirim, I. (Eds). Ileri Istatistiksel Yontemler [Advanced Statistical Methods]. Nobel. Completed.
Bulus, M. (2022). Çok Düzeyli Doğrusal Modellere Giriş [An Introduction to Multilevel Linear Models]. In Sahin, S. G., & Bulus, M. (Eds). Adım Adım Uygulamalı İstatistik (pp. 561- 613). Pegem Akademi.
Sahin, S. G., & Bulus, M. (Eds). Adım Adım Uygulamalı İstatistik [Step by Step Applied Statistics]. Pegem Akademi.